(no subject)

May 20, 2007 20:18

I hate my job, I'm gonna burn this mother down

That's what I say to myself all day long. But now that I know I can't really get fired at this point, I've started giving free things to customers I like. Like free chocolate stripes or extra whip cream or extra shots or sometimes I make them a large drink instead of a medium. I think it's silly we charge extra money for putting chocolate stripes on the cups.

UFC fighter guy came in today with a show and tell. He had a giant fancy belt with shiny things on it that wrestlers win at fights or something. Like he carries it around in the car with him to show people. I wasn't sure how to react so I said "OOOOOOOOOOOH" like ooOOoo - what you say when a first grader colors inside the lines. I don't think he even noticed that I was faking. It was wierd.

One more week.
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