Apr 23, 2007 20:23
The new girl at work got fired today, after 4 days, because Mat says she didn't smile. She learned fast and was a good worker, I don't know why she got fired so quickly. TN doesn't have employee rights. you can get fired for no reason at all, as long as it isn't based on discrimination. He fired a girl after he found out she was wiccan and made up some lame non-smiler reason. I feel totally spineless.
They can't fire me for not wanting to listen to Christian radio can they? It's not right to require employees to listen to it. I think God would agree with me.
I can't wait until animal control calls me back. I need a different job. I can get a job back at the grooming shop in august if all else fails. Julie, the girl I trained to replace me, is the manager now. So the girl I trained said she'd rehire me. At least I wouldn't get fired for not smiling.
Happier news:
The co-op has one of those signs where you can change the letters and all and I noticed the other day it had types of fencing and the prices and then under that it said "monkeybuttpowder 12.99". And I laughed so much.
The meanest customer ever asked me how I was doing and it made my week. It was wierd not getting that evil death stare for once.
I got a new cooking magazine in the mail
I got a raise, they wouldn't fire me after they gave me a raise right?
I made blackberry crisp and I didn't even use a recipe and it was great.
This was long.