(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 09:59

My room at Dad's is eerily dark. I got kind of creeped out last night. It was too quiet too. I miss the sounds of crazy people in the alley, frat boys down the block, and people having sex in the building across the way with their windows open. I miss the flicker of the yellow flood lights underneath my window. I miss the sounds of drunk girls in the hallway and people stomping up and down the back stairwell, slamming the back door shut. I miss Luke, who lived below me, and his "world music". I even miss Luke's drum set. I miss the church bells tolling, and trying to sing along to the song every morning at 9am.
What I do not miss is the sunrise. I have been waking up at sunrise every morning for the last two months, and today I finally slept in past six. Sure, I would usually just grab my "rock and roll kitten!" sleep mask, roll over and curse the sun as I went back to sleep, but today I slept straight through to almost 9:30! That's late!
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