May 26, 2004 08:40
Gingerbread man : Ok, I'll tell you, do you know... the muffin man?
Gingerbread man: The muffin man...
So yeah, I talked to Ben last night for a total of 7 1/2 minutes. God, it's driving me crazy... but last night he promised me, PINKY promised me he hasn't hurt me and i shouldn't be afraid and theres no reason not to trust him... I hope hes not lying because he knows how much Pinky promising me means. And last night all we said was " I love you" and then we got into the whole " I love you more," and "theres no such thing" haha.... well yeah, I think Julie and I are going on a search of this huge school to find some....
Then tonight Julie and I are going to watch.. SHREK. my fucking FAVORITE movie in this WORLD. The only other person that would understand is Ben. He knows how much I love it! And we're going to watch the Pistons! what what?! Well, we're going on our quest. See yah!