Mar 04, 2008 08:05
I know the weather is really crappy, Ohioans, but GO VOTE! It's one of the most important things you can do as an American.
Jim and I had a scary moment this morning. His flight leaves for San Diego in *looks at clock* 10 minutes. Our polling place was PACKED! It took us forever to get to a voting machine. And we were there within 10 minutes of the polls opening!
Anyway, we voted, did a hasty kiss good-bye, see you next week, and off he flew. And then on the radio I kept hearing how horrible 670 was. YIKES!!!
I just called and he didn't answer his phone so I hope that means he made it and is on the plane waiting for take off.
*sigh* Geesh. Hectic morning.
So I stopped at Krogers for some bagels and Starbucks. The lady working the register is always so very nice. This morning she said "You look haggard! Your day just started!" So I told her how ARGH the morning had been. She came around the counter and gave me a hug. HOW SWEET!
I don't mind standing in line for voting. I actually think that's pretty awesome. I mean, for the last Presidential election I stood in line for 3.5 hours. WITH IAN! (who was so angelically good for me that we went to Build A Bear afterwards and he made a bear named Voter).
And I've only been in the office for 20 minutes and my phone has been ringing off the HOOK with news stations, newspapers, radio personalities, etc., wanting to talk to my boss for "just 5 minutes" to get his input for the day.
I guess I picked a good year to get this job. *rolls eyes*