It's great to be back. Everyone add (aim)Rachelxstevens(aim) to your list because I know how much you've missed me.
You must read this, it's funny as hell!
RachelxStevens: ::Pounces::
SexyxJessyxA: -gets pounced-
RachelxStevens: How's the blow up doll coming along?
SexyxJessyxA: I can't find the damn valv!
RachelxStevens: Valv?
SexyxJessyxA: The thing you blow into
RachelxStevens: Oh ::laughs:: did you look in the crotch area?
SexyxJessyxA: Yes it's not there -spreads the dolls legs open- SEE
RachelxStevens: ::Is now very distribed and will be sending you my threapy bill:: I put your mouth on the nipples and blow
SexyxJessyxA: My threapy bill is going to be high enough! -puts mouth on left nipple and blows air into it, nothing happening- Nope
RachelxStevens: ::Holding back laughter:: try the other one
SexyxJessyxA: -tries it with the right nipple- Still nothing
RachelxStevens: Hm...::Sits and ponders for a moment::
SexyxJessyxA: ((LMAO)) -turns it over and shakes head- Sick...peoplpe these days are sick. -puts lips on the dolls ass and blows it up, the doll now complete-
RachelxStevens: Woo i feel all tingly inside after watching that. ::Laughs:: Now what do you do with it, play dress up?
SexyxJessyxA: No it's for sexual pleasure.
RachelxStevens: Ok...::Is looking at you like you've gone crazy:: Then i have two questions. One-Why the fuck did you get a female blow up doll? And two- Is your fiancee that bad in bed?
SexyxJessyxA: -looks the doll up and down- I thought something was missing, think the strap on would fit? and for the second question, believe man is more then enough. -winks-
RachelxStevens: ::puts both hands out:: then what's up with the doll?
SexyxJessyxA: -squeeks- I don't know you bought the damn thing for me.
RachelxStevens: Oh ::Laughs:: that's right sorry. Here ::goes in my bag of tricks:: for your strap on fun. ::Hands you a vibrating strap on::
SexyxJessyxA: Oh lord!!!! -falls back laughing-
RachelxStevens: Oh genius idea. Let's fill it up with that stuff you blow ballons up with, and walk around town holding it.
SexyxJessyxA: I've missed you Rach!!!!
RachelxStevens: ::Pounces on the blow up doll, then gets up straightening my hair:: Damn I gotta learn to control myself
SexyxJessyxA: -Grabs the doll- Yes, she's my bitch dammit!
RachelxStevens: I paid for her!
SexyxJessyxA: She's a hoe? Ew -wrinkles nose and hands her back, along with the vibrating strap on- I don't want her
RachelxStevens: ::Cracks up and puts my arm around her waist picking her up carring her to the other room:: Good I didn't want to share!