Aug 25, 2005 09:44
This shit is so funny! I love it!
xochitl is simply the word for "flower" in the náhuatl language
xochitl is a colorful addition to the 4500
xochitl is now being brought up on the charge of misdemeanor battery for supposedly attacking a police officer
xochitl is truth
xochitl is interested in floristics of mexico
xochitl is a true cosmopolitan who understands the economic drivers and the cultural subtleties that impact cross
xochitl is the aztec goddess of corn
xochitl is hardly as exotic as it sounds
xochitl is a single mother and former drug addict
xochitl is believed to have given the king a drink which brought about romantic results
xochitl is a chicken
xochitl is bright and pretty
xochitl is a paranormal specialist who has recently began developing her psychic powers
xochitl is like so great i cant express how much i like her
xochitl is one of the survivors
xochitl is a butthead
xochitl is the cosmic adornment of the cycle of time
xochitl is aztec for anything brightly colored
xochitl is in her night clothes and is holding her shoe
xochitl is a total heifer
xochitl is dreamer
xochitl is reds lavan; picazo after etaoinsh bubba dagobert
xochitl is brimming with fresh vegetables and herbs