No motivation this year, and i just had t have th world's worst cramp and nausea.
Thank you everyone who took care of me, and sorry for crying.
Will TRY not t cry over little things anymoreee.
I Love you so so much, ILLYDIA (:
& OF CAUSE: Celeste, Xiner, Aurelia, Partner and co!, Lisa, Alicia, Yeyeng for running with me and pushing me even though i already given up, i did try becoz i didn't wna disappoint you. (:
Sticky, and smelly, we headed for dinner and then Illi's house t sleeeeep!
They said i was such a baby becoz i cry alot/sleep alot/eat alot :/
OUH tday i made my Physics teacher laugh with this:
Hahahahahaha i drew th line too high, so i decided t make him taller (:
Home-d just only, and here's peeks from tday (:
DONE. Gbyeezxzvcb (: