nicked from
missmorwen Interview meme, again!
Here are the rules:
1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to
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2) Now that you are a wife and about to become a mother, what do you want to do with the rest of your life? any untapped ambitions that you may put aside for a few years? I'd like to write and be published, but haven't found much time to write now, and will definitely have less in a few months.
3) Have you taken the time to read your LJ from the beginning to see how far you have come in the past 2 years? (I have scanned back and admire you greatly)
*winces* I've looked at some and wonder sometimes how I could even be so... I have no idea how to describe it. But I've read it and yes, TONS has happened in the past few years.
4) Do you have any special Christmas traditions that you will bring to your new family? Any that you have always wanted to start?
Hopefully my grandparents tradition of a taco feed on Christmas, buffet style. And homemade ice cream at Christmas time, with grandma's homemade chocolate/caramel syrup (the kind that's so fattening you can taste the sugar grainals(sp)but you don't care, cuz hey! It's Christmas! Starting? No not really. I love the ones I grew up with.
5) Any pregnancy food cravings?
Mostly just chocolate and peanut butter, in any form. Chocolate is a big one for me!
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