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Phoenix - News - Xtreme Cuisine
This Condon-Bleu chef serves illicit and rare cuisine to hideously wealthy
patrons. The article, appropriately enough, is written simply by the New
Times’ food critic. He’s a good writer, too. The story of his history with
the chef, Kaz, is enough to make the article worthwhile.
The fare begins at saguaro cactus salad and goes through dogs, emperor
penguins, even chimpanzees and more. One photograph captures the
reviewer’s dining party draping black cloths over their heads before
eating the ludicrously endangered pygmy owl. It’s the ultimate in decadent
dining. Perhaps that’s an overstatement; but when you reach page nine of
the article, decide for yourself.
via the Unknown Armies mailing list
[NB: Almost certainly fake but an interesting read for the Transmet-esque cuisine and UA flavour]