Baby Be Mine | Paige Toon (2011)

Aug 05, 2011 18:03

I'm not sure how I ended up on a list to receive chick lit to review, but nevertheless I did and here is another one. It wasn't altogether odious (actually, I quite got sucked into the story), but this is still just not a genre that I particularly enjoy. Oh well. I'm sure there's more to come at some point!

My Review

Meg has a secret. The baby she's had -- now a happy, babbling toddler -- does not belong to her boyfriend Christian, but to Johnny Jefferson, the world's most famous rock star. She wasn't sure who the father was, but the baby looks more and more like Johnny every day, and less and less like Christian. She knows the secret must come out at some point, but she's terrified to tell it. What will the cost be for keeping her secret, or for spilling it... for her son or for herself?

This book is everything that lighthearted chick lit ought to be. There's glamor, a fast-paced lifestyle, an intricate and impressive cast of characters, and a ridiculously happy ending. There's also, aside from a smattering of unhealthy but totally normal guilt, very little moralizing. The story moves quickly, and it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and intrigue of some very A-list characters.

I will say that the story starts off a bit slowly. Meg can't seem to get past her own hang-ups and they color every thought she has, to the extent that it really starts to wear on the reader. But after the first few chapters, things start happening and we spend less time in Meg's head and more time in her life and her actions. Once the story finally gets rolling, it really rolls (at least until the epilogue, which for some reason is just as cheesily written as the opening chapters).

Overall, a fun summer read and a cute story. Paige Toon is a writer to look out for.

Goodreads link

Toon, Paige. Baby Be Mine. London: Simon & Schuster, Ltd., 2011.

review copy, relationships, toon, chick lit, review, fiction

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