Jackals Event Quotes

Oct 21, 2013 22:17

Quotes from the weekend, feel free to guess who said what.

"Why's it always in the face with you Lions"
"Amy, it's all your fault."
"You could turn him into a paperwork revenant"
"My leg's stuck between Red's thighs!"
"Oh, so you care about this one do you?"
"Welcome to the Lions Madiyah"
"He was a false champion!  I'm sorry!"
"She's not an it, she has a name!"
"I name you Priestess, congratulations!" "Magebolt"
"Sobek, they have cheese!  I'm very confused!"
"Am I in a doughnut?"
"But Madiyah, you''re a mind healer"
"That was for me?"
"Move the line accross to cover that flank!" "Isn't that what scouts are for?" "And healers" "Healer Scouts!"
"Amy, could you heal this one please?  She's green and I like her."
"There are competent Lions?"
"Where are you transporting to?"  "Lapis Lazuli" "Where's that?"
"You''re totally a Lion now!"
"We could do plastic surgery on his sack!"
"Is it bad that I really want to walk up to Quetzecotl and say, I used to kill your kind you know?"
"You''re late!  What if we'd died!".
"As Lord Justice, I now make it law that whenever Amy Redman comes on campaign with us, she must bring cake."
"You brought tea, and cake!  It's like being in the Harts.  Well she is Albione."
"Tell Libby she needs to up her game, she never brings me tea and cake."
"Hide me!" "Why?" "There's politics happening, and they might get me involved."
"I am now going to start worshipping you, and your cake.  By the power of Amy and her chocolate cake I cast paralysis." "Ummm"

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jackals, event, quotes

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