Sep 24, 2008 17:12
I really do miss writing in here. I guess I've been pretty busy lately with school starting and whatnot. It's two weeks in and I've already managed to embarass myself in many ways. Yesterday I even managed to get my ass kicked by gym equpitment.
Okay funny story. I'm in gym and Dan's rockin' the tread mill like a pro and I'm sitting on this like.. ghetto bike/fan/pully thingy because of got cramps from hell and I'm just plain lazy. Dan's all "OMFG ride the tread mill and then hit the emergency break. IT'S TOTALLY LEGIT!!!ONEONEELVEN." Right. So being the douchebag gulliable freak that I am, I'm all "OMFG YES!" And do it. Funny thing about treadmills. They don't actually stop when you hit the emergency break. This one in fact just got faster.
Needless to say, I've got a gash on my left knee and everyone is making fun of me.
So I got a part for the show Hide and Shriek in drama that I'm pretty excited about.
Uhmm.... what else? I have like zero room left on my ipod cos skins took up like 48690438 gigs so now I'm kinda mad and wanna punch babies everytime I put more on Itunes.
Btw, if you're actually sitting here and reading this load of nonesense, please like.. let me know or something. XD comment, etc. whatever. nbd. (kate)
uhm yeah. bye.
near death experiences