Feb 09, 2008 04:25
No, really-- How?
I am seriously asking. Because I guess I just am descended from one of those families that never really figured it out, therefore they never taught me.
I'm certainly much, much better at it than I once was. Especially when it comes to the paper clutter, and books, and cleaning the kitchen and bathroom.
But it still baffles me-- the whole "household management mastery" thing escapes me. It's possibly the major part of "welcome to real adulthood" that I feel most confused about.
It mean, I can barely keep up with things around here when I'm mostly out of work-- Whenever Scot and I are both working (which will be coming up again soon), it becomes ALL chaos and pandemonium around here. I can't even imagine if we had a larger place to take care of, or a pet, or a yard, or a baby...
And I can't really rely on Scot for any of it-- At least not at this point-- I won't even get STARTED on the long, long list of basic life skills that his family never taught him, which include, but are not limited to, all things domestic. Every few weeks, I discover another realm of knowledge that I foolishly assume all adults know, yet he has no clue about, and it endlessly astounds me.
It's not even the actual work of it that is the worst part-- it is the mental management of what needs washed, how long ago it was last washed, what needs replaced, what needs bought, which bills need paid, cutting the coupons, making the lists, scheduling/initiating the trips to the grocery store, post office, library, Target... Scot won't even try, so those things are ALL ME, baby. Me, with my poor little addled brain, trying to negotiate all. these. domestic. details. On top of all my other projects in life.
I've actually taken books out of the library to try to figure out how other people deal with their household management and cleaning. Helpful, I suppose, but still not solving my issues.
I know we will both be working again, REALLY working, sometime soon, and I want to get this place to a degree of efficiency and cleanliness where it will not be so hard to maintain, once it starts off at a decent jumping-off point. I mean, there are people out there where both adults are working FT, and there are kids and pets, and yet somehow they get it all done in the evenings, and I can't figure out how in the world they do it. There aren't enough hours in the week.
It's like some great cosmic secret that no one has ever let me in on.