Apr 28, 2007 02:15
I hate throwing up.
I either had food poisoning, or a stomach virus yesterday. I don't think I've ever gotten SO violently ill, SO rapidly. It was frightening-- I thought I had appendicitis or something, I was in so much pain. Pain and diarrhea starting at like 7 p.m. and the pain (pain pain PAIN) gradually taking over my entire torso to the point that I was writhing aroudn hte living room and whining to Janet to let me use her phone to call Scot back from rehearsal so he could run out to buy me Pepto and Immodium and Pedialyte. Tried to go to sleep but then finally vomited profusely at about midnight, which made me feel somewhat better but I was still pretty much a wreck-- had a fever and my joints and muscles ALL hurt and I had to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes the rest of the night.
Called off work, for which I will probably be in a lot of trouble, and slept for about 12 hours today, drinking watered-down Pedialyte and juice and gingerale. I was barely able to move, I was so sore and weak. Still am not feeling too good. But I have to babysit tomorrow. So i'm trying to get with the progam somehow. But still woozy and sore and having muscle problems.
In a deliriously sick state at about 3 a.m., I wondered whether, on Sparkpeople, I should have to "food-log" the food that I threw up? If so, it doesn't seem fair.
You know what else? I'm throwing up a lot more, in my old age. I used to have a pretty iron stomach most of the time (except those few nights when I drank way too much). These days, I seem to be throwing up here, there, everywhere. Once, we were having sex, and I had to run from the bed and throw up. And that lovely time when I threw up out the car window last year, after eating McDonald's. And also everytime I get the flu, of course. It's like living in a world of uncertainty and vomit.
Informal poll: Does this sound like a brief stomach virus, or food poisoning? Should I complain to Wendy's? Call the Health Dept?