this one spoke to me:
I have been trying since November 4th to try to figure out why I desire to be involved in the fight against prop 8 so badly. I have always been politically active and there are a great many issues in this world that upset and anger me. But never have I felt something so deeply, and so fully, as my anger at the loss of marriage rights for same sex couples. I have friends and family members who are gay but that is not the entirety of where my desire to fight comes from. Over the last few days I think I have come to understand myself and my history a little bit better, and this diary is my attempt to explain to people why I am taking this fight so seriously.
Nazakhstan's diary :: ::
There is a quote for whom I do not know the source, but it goes
"We have all picked fruit from trees we did not plant, and we have all drank from wells we did not dig."
And in a lot of ways this is how I feel about my life. You see I am an naturalized citizen of the United States and my transition from six year old immigrant to an adult PhD holding citizen of the U.S. has been smooth and unmarred by hardship or discrimination. In this, I realize I am truly lucky...
Go on, read the whole thing. :-)