The Therapist-to-be is IN (diagnosing fictional characters)

Oct 17, 2011 16:49

I am taking a class on Treatment and Assessment. Yes, MFTs can diagnose. (We can't prescribe medication.)

To help familiarize myself with the DSM-IV and the process of diagnosis, terminology, etc, please recommend a fictional character I am familiar with who you think might have a mental illness, and I will attempt to diagnose them according to the DSM-IV criteria, as time permits. It would be helpful to note some incidents or traits which make you think they may need treatment.

For this go-round, please don't throw characters at me who you think might have something obscure, like (checks index) Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder. The class is currently focusing on mood and anxiety disorders, but I am also reasonably familiar with psychotic, dissociative, and personality disorders from my recent class in Abnormal Psych.

This is purely for study purposes (mine) and entertainment (yours and mine). I cannot actually diagnose any real person.

Crossposted to Comment here or there.

psychology: therapy for the fictional, psychology

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