My fifteen minutes of fame

Sep 13, 2011 11:13

I've been Boing Boinged, and Tweeted, and received a great many wonderful, supportive messages. Thank you, and please forgive me if I'm a little slow to respond to messages over the next few days. I have been deluged.

More importantly, people are speaking out about their experiences and feelings. Please don't let this be a one-time moment of passion, but follow up with substantive action.

I personally commit to making a special point of buying, reading, and reviewing YA sff with protagonists who are LGBTQ and/or people of color and/or disabled, over the next year and into the years to come. ( An annotated list of YA sf/fantasy with main or major LGBTQ characters is available here, with links to Amazon. An annotated list of YA sf/fantasy with protagonists of color is available here, with links to Amazon. Part I: Author surnames from A - L. An annotated list of YA sf/fantasy with protagonists of color is available here, with links to Amazon. Part II: Author surnames from M - Z.)

What do you plan to do?

ETA: I really like this agent's non-discrimination statement, from Eddie Schneider on the Jabberwocky Literary Agency website:

"Special note:

Since it still needs (and may always need) to be spelled out, please note I will happily consider queries by persons, or featuring protagonists, of any race, color, creed, religion, national citizenship/origin, gender or sexual orientation, disability, age, or physical appearance. Further, I will not attempt to editorially limit the presence of characters in any of the above in order to sell a project, and will support any client who feels discriminated against by a publisher or editor because of such status, in the hopefully unlikely event that this might occur."

Crossposted to Comment here or there.

lgbtq, race and racism, genre: young adult, homophobia

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