
May 12, 2008 09:21

1. I found an organization which is already on the ground in Myanmar and is accepting donations. I think they're legit; at any rate, I've read news articles mentioning them. It's Shelterbox, which provides self-contained boxes of, among other things, tents and water purification kits.

Regarding the earthquake in China, there don't seem to be any problems with the usual aid organizations getting in, so whichever one you usually prefer should be fine.

The Red Cross/Red Crescent is already on the ground in Myanmar, and on its way to China now. (Presumably the Chinese branches are already there.) Keep in mind that it is not a single organization, but many united under a single purpose. I would not donate to the American Red Cross myself because I used to work for them and the organization as a whole is a blundering idiot, but many of the non-American branches are fine. Despite the name, it is a non-religious, private association.

More info on what the Red Cross/Crescent is doing.

2. telophase and I were planning to raise money to produce and give away BACK UP buttons with informational flyers attached at A-Kon. This is an anti-harassment project. However, given that people are not dying of being harassed at cons, I now wonder if we'll be able to cover the costs given the huge disasters that may have tapped out everyone's donation funds.

By "donate" I meant "at least a couple dollars/euros/etc."

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