Angel Sanctuary vol. 5-7

Dec 07, 2007 10:08

My main feeling about these volumes was, too much random fighting and angelic politics, and not enough Kira! But then the pace picked up, and a new character was introduced whom I love to death. (You can all try to guess who it is before clicking on the cut.)

I also adored the mangaka sidebar in which Kaori Yuki describes a drawing she had in which a character is naked, and (I don't have the manga on me now) writes something like, "When I drew that, I got all excited! I was breathing fast! I felt dizzy and almost fainted! Did you feel the same way when you looked at it? I hope you did!"

Kaori Yuki is officially one of my favorite people ever.

Kato did not thrill me, though I can see how he fits into the story thematically: sin, redemption, the consequences of forbidden sexuality reverberating through the years. I did like Uriel and his evil mask and scarred throat. But overall, when Kaori Yuli explained in a sidebar that she wrote the dragon fight just to fill pages, I was not in the least surprised.

Angelic politics... meh... the trouble is that I am not, or at least not yet, terribly interested in Sevothtarte, Metatron, Raphael, Zaphikel, and Rosiel.

However! I was thrilled to discover that Alexiel's sin was falling in love with God! Is that incestuous or blasphemous or both? And does that mean that Sara is the reincarnation of God? (Rhetorical question, do not answer spoilery questions or angels will eat your flesh.)

But mainly, I am in love with the Mad Hatter! The Mad Hatter is awesome! I love the way he/she appears, Cheshire cat-like, first as a hat or arm or parasol emerging from a solid object. I find him/her utterly fascinating and disturbingly sexy, and I look forward to lots of interaction between him/her and Kira, as they clearly have History, though possibly Kira does not remember it or all of it.

Oh, and also, Heaven? Still creepy as... Hell. Actually, much creepier than Hell!

manga: angel sanctuary

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