Book finds

Jul 09, 2004 10:42

I continue to be glued to MARS. I'm up to volume nine, where Kira's past provokes a crisis, and must run out and buy volumes ten and eleven to read while doing overdue laundry today. The art has gotten more and gorgeous even as the story has become more intense but less implausibly over-the-top. I recommend it.

Yesterday while in Northridge, I stopped at a used bookshop and purchased:

THE GREEN AND BURNING TREE, by Eleanor Cameron. The Mushroom Planet author writes essays on children's fantasy. Hardcover.

GETTING RID OF BRADLEY, by Jennifer Crusie. Great title.

BLACK SILK, by Judith Ivory. Um, I think Melymbrosia recommended her, which is why I bought a romance novel about a woman named Submit Channing-Downs.

THE PERFECT STORM, by Sebastian Junger. I never got around to reading this.

THE DREAM HUNTER, by Laura Kinsale. "But now, traveling alone in search of a legendary mare known as String of Pearls, [Lord Winter] has discovered a far more precious gem. For hidden beneath the ragged costume of Bedouin boy was a remarkable woman: Zenia Stanhope, daughter of the extraordinary English adventuress known as Queen of the Desert."

RED AS BLOOD, OR< TALES FROM THE SISTERS GRIMMER, by Tanith Lee. Brilliant collection of twisted fairy-tales, one which seems to have influenced a lot of writers but is out of print and hard to find.

BLACK RAINBOW, by Barbara Michaels. Her historicals are generally not as good as her contemporary thrillers, but I hadn't read this one, so...

STITCHES IN TIME, by Barbara Michaels. Involves a haunted quilt.

EMERGENCY DOCTOR, by Edward Ziegler in cooperations with Lewis R. Goldfrank, MD. Stories about people trapped under cranes and so forth.
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