The Change series reissued

Mar 04, 2019 12:08

Sherwood and I have regained the rights to our book Stranger and have reissued it at a more sane price ($2.99 for the ebook, as opposed to the previous $11.99) and with new covers by
telophase for the entire series.

If you've already read it but haven't written a review of it on Amazon, I will love you forever if you do so. Even a 1-2 line one would work. (We need more reviews to be able to do certain types of advertising on it.) They don't have to be raves, just any honest review is fine.

We are about 2/3rds of the way through book four, Traitor, and hope for a release date this year. If you like Paco and Felicite, you are in for a treat because they have especially awesome storylines in the final book if I do say so myself.

Crossposted to Comment here or there.

my book: stranger

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