Femslash Exchange recs, Part II

Oct 19, 2018 14:59

One Curse Tablet, Slightly Used. Historical RPF (real person fiction, i.e., historical fiction) - Sappho. I loved everything about this story, from the title to the premise to the intensity to the command of diction, which slides easily from high to low, from prose to poetry to invocation.

I present Sappho of the honey mouth to you, Persephone, goddess of dead things.
May she feel no love in her heart or pleasure in her bed unless she return to me.
May you bind her head to my head, her thighs to my thighs, her lips to my lips.
And may this curse tablet fucking work already, goddess.
May she come back.

Right Answers. Heathers (movie and musical). Sharp, bittersweet.

Chandler knows these questions all have right answers. There are right and wrong answers about everything in high school, in society. A right answer to the public is to wear plaid coats with shoulder pads, party late every time you get a chance, and hook up with guys. A wrong answer is to have yourself a girlfriend with a biting sense of humor and a morbid mind.

Chandler has been getting more and more questions wrong these days.

望女成龙 (from daughters, to dragons.) Original Fiction. Dragon shifter/human. Sensual, evocative, with a very dragon-y dragon.

wang nu cheng long --

(lit.) hoping one’s daughter becomes a dragon, a subversion of the Chinese idiom that wishes for this fate for a son- or

(fig.) to hope that one’s child succeeds in life, that they’ll chase down their dreams and grasp them, eyes wide and arms outstretched, hopeful and playful and so, so shining.

this is the story of a beast who shed her human skin.

faites-lui mes aveux. Original Works. Soprano/Mezzo in Pants. Absorbing backstage romance with tons of fun opera details and a great ensemble cast. It parallels the onstage and backstage stories, which I always enjoy in this genre.

Leah Beecham is cast as Marguerite, and that's only the first surprise that the university Operatic Society production of Faust brings with it. And Ellie Everett should probably have kept out of OpSoc altogether if she wanted to avoid Music Department drama, but it's a bit late now, because she's got the part of Siebel...

I am still reading Poisons (it's 21K words) but I am so far very much enjoying this well-written murder mystery set in an intricate fantasy world.

Crossposted to https://rachelmanija.dreamwidth.org/2223838.html. Comment here or there.

fanfic, ff friday

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