Yuletide Recs, Part 3

Dec 28, 2017 09:05

This has been a wonderful Yuletide for reading, but not so much for people commenting. It would be great if people would comment if they enjoyed something, even if it's just "I liked this story." Especially my fantastic gift stories, which aren't getting half as much appreciation as they deserve.

Don't Need to Know Canon

The Cassini mission to Saturn. All you need to know is that the Cassini orbital, which was named after the 17th century astronomer who discovered four of Saturn's moons, was an unmanned robotic spacecraft that orbited Saturn for thirteen years, before burning up in Saturn's upper atmosphere to avoid contaminating its moons with Earth microbes.

7:55:46 AM, EDT. A planet, a recently deceased spacecraft, and an astronomer walk into a bar. Short and wonderful; despite the summary, not a joke.

Yearning's End. One of my favorite things about Yuletide are the odd little snippets of wonderfulness that turn up in Madness. Here, have a perfect sestina about the Cassini mission.

In the end, it was easy: a target, a fear of loss
Hardwired in, a yearning strong enough to brave space,
And a machine was taught (learned) to feel.

And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side - James Tiptree Jr.

The Locust. Letter of Fr. Francisco Nadal to Fr. Bartolomeo Strozzi, 1588.

Inspired by the story, but essentially original sf. Disturbing, creepy, and compelling: so, just right for Tiptree fanfic. The author's note remarks, "I know this is way off in the weeds (and 100% less porny/100% more priesty than desired when I set out, augh) I couldn't resist your prompt to transpose the alien contact scenario of this story to other settings and places and their own baggage. Thank you so much for letting me take such weird liberties with this fabulous, bleak universe.There's already one semi-famous "Jesuits vs. sexy aliens" narrative out there but when have I ever let being derivative stop me?"

Need to Know Canon

Logan (2017 movie).

Hope is a dangerous hole (will you join me?). They miss the rendezvous. (In which Logan gets just a little more time)

That was one of the most well-done excruciatingly depressing movies I've ever seen. I loved Laura and will never watch it again. This story gives Laura and Logan a little more time and a lot more hope; it's sweet without being sappy, very much in-character, emotionally honest, and exactly what I wanted to read in the fandom.

Carrie - Stephen King.

No Peace in the Kingdom of Women. Carrie turns down Tommy's invitation to the prom, so Sue offers her own friendship instead. It doesn't go exactly as planned.

Sue/Carrie. Beautifully written, heartbreaking, dark but also hopeful.

If You See Her, Say Hello. Sue moves on.

Sharply written, sort of a five things but not quite.

Locusts in the Grass. An account of life in Christ's Blood, Maine - formerly Chamberlain - under the rule of Carrietta White. By Susan Snell, ages eighteen to twenty-three.

A short, nightmarish canon AU. It actually covers more time than noted in the summary; I'm not sure if that was a cut-and-paste error or yet another ultra-creepy implication.

Crossposted to https://rachelmanija.dreamwidth.org/2176350.html. Comment here or there.

yuletide recs

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