Does anyone know e-book formatting? Especially for poetry?

Jan 24, 2013 13:28

I am trying to release a collection of stories and poetry, and I'm having huge problems formatting.

Everything looks correct in the doc. But when I upload it to Kindle, there are incorrect indentations in the poetry - indents where there shouldn't be indents. There are also a couple places where I can't get the title to center. One afterword has line breaks between paragraphs, when it shouldn't. And if a poetry line has to wrap around due to screen size, I want it to wrap to the same margin as the rest of the poem. Instead, it wraps to a shorter margin, which looks weird.

Also, while I have constructed a working table of contents on Kindle, I can't figure out how to do so for BN.

I can't figure out how to fix this. The errors don't appear in "reveal formatting." If anyone would like to take a look at this and advise, please email or PM me.

Crossposted to Comment here or there.
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