Jan 3-23 Reading To Do List

Jan 04, 2012 15:35

Attempting to get a jump on and also organize my required reading. Long.


1. Mitchell and Black: Preface and Chapter 1: “Sigmund Freud and the Classical Psychoanalytical Tradition,” pp. xv-23.; also scan “Ego Psychology,” pp. 23-60, with special focus paid on the work of Anna Freud (for next week’s class).
2. Chapter One in Summers, F. (2005). Self creation: Psychoanalytic therapy and the art of the possible.

1. Blum, A. & Pfetzing, V. (1997). The trauma of growing up gay. Gender and Psychoanalysis (2) 4: 427-442. (Posted on Sakai).
2. Isay, R. (1989). Being homosexual. New York, New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. (Posted on Sakai).
3. Klein, F., (1993). The bisexual option. Haworth Press: Binghamton, NY. (Posted on Sakai).
4. Hammer, F. (2002). Guards at the gate: Race, resistance, and psychic reality, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2002 , 50(4) p. 1219. (Posted on Sakai).
5. Lev, A. (2004). Transgender emergence: Therapeutic guidelines for working with gender-variant people and their families. Haworth Press: Binghamton, NY. [Chapter 4: Etiologies, Causes and Categories].

Inner Work

Ethics and Law

Week 1: • Pope, Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Chapters 7, 1 to 4.
• (Suggested) Pope, What Therapists Don’t Talk About and Why, Chapters 1 to 4.

Week 2: • Pope, Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Chapters 6, 9 to 12
• CAMFT Article: When Worlds Collide: Who Wins When Ethical Standards Conflict With Government Policies and Procedures? Jensen (2005).
• AAMFT Code of Ethics.
• CAMFT Code of Ethics - Part I.

Informed Consent: Empowering and Protecting the Client; Legally-Required Contents; Business Policies; HIPPA; Advertising; Termination.

• Pope, Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Chapters 13 to 15
• Beahrs, J (2001). Informed Consent in Psychotherapy.
• CAMFT Article: Revisiting Informed Consent, Griffin (2006).


Cozonlino’s book: Introduction, chapter 1 &2.
Yalom’s book: chapters 1-3

Queer Counseling and Narrative

Week 2: Assumptions of a postmodern stance in therapy. Understanding and living our lives through stories. Exploring Heterosexism/Homophobia exercise.
QCNP: Chapter 18

Week 3: The double-listening stance for the therapist and the importance of subordinate storylines in clients’ lives. Film: ‘Live To Tell’. Externalizing exercise.
QCNP: Chaps. 20-23
Reader: Up the Steep Side of the Queer Learning Curve


Trauma Defined

Van der Kolk, B., & Pynoos, R. (2009). Proposal to include a developmental trauma disorder
diagnosis for children and adolescents in DSM-V.

Theoretical Origins, Attachment and Social History

St. Clair, M. (2004). Object relations and self psychology: an introduction (4th Ed.). Belmont:
Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning. (Chapters 2 and 4).

Miller, A. (1997). The drama of the gifted child: the search for the true self. New York: Basic

Carrol, R. (2001). Thinking through the body, an interview with Allan Schore - “the American
Bowlby”. http://www.thinkbody.co.uk/papers/interview-with-allan-s.htm

Crossposted to http://rachelmanija.dreamwidth.org/999587.html. Comment here or there.

genre: psychology, back to school, reading list

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