Jan 05, 2009 23:38
Today I had two wisdom teeth removed. It was quick and pretty painless. I got blood on my favorite hoodie, which is awesome/not awesome.
Most of the break I've been extremely lazy and hanging out with mother a lot. I've seen and have been trying to see my friends too. The formerly James BiYearly (read: sporadic) Family Xmas party was a success.
Christmas was good although modest. There wasn't much I wanted/needed but I got big things I really wanted (a new coat, external harddrive) and wasn't expecting (new phone from the father figure) and things in between (money, all-time favorite Jay-Z album, and DVDs such as Darjeeling Limited and a Bleach boxset).
Last week I hung out with Lara W. from the Catholic Center at the Inner Harbor. I complain about the Inner Harbor to anyone who will listen but I always have fun when I'm down there. We went to Five Guys for lunch, then spent a bunch of time at the Visionary Art Museum, which
weirded me out as a kid but I always knew it was the kind of place I would appreciate as I got older. It definitely made me feel a bit inspired but kind of disappointed I threw out my cereal boxes before I left my apartment at BU because I kind of wanted to make something with them. What, you ask? I couldn't tell you.
In an effort to bring new music in my life, since the last album I believe I bought was Vampire Weekend, I bought Fleet Foxes which depresses me to no end but I love it, and the Buzzcocks, which I haven't listened yet to because of the number of viruses that are eating my computer alive at the moment. I've also been using my myspace account again to add the various bad pop-punk bands I know and love. The Maine? 3OH!3? Yes, I am a fourteen-year-old suburban white girl at heart.
Not much else going on- living, praying, sleeping, watching Anthony Bourdain be an ass, and trying not to puke on this computer right now.