my grandparents arrived today. i have the annual basketball invitational tomorrow until thursday. my birthday is also in 4 days. i can't believe it. i've always shared my birthdays with my friends and family.every year since i've know her rishelle has always spent new years day at my house,hanging out with my family and i. its going to be weird with out her or anyone else to celebrate with. quite simply, this years birthday is going to be hell.
although i told my mother that i didn't want a party or even acknowledgment of the day, i have the strange suspicion that shes planning one, or trying to do something for me. shes making me babysit my cousin so i don't go out on new years eve. i don't know whats going on with her. she just claims that shes simply planning the adult new years eve party. i don't buy it. i guess we'll see soon enough. my neighbor told me that i would love my birthday present. i really hope so, because its going to take an lift my spirits about the day.
alls well, i'll be fine.