I sometimes wonder why things worked out the way they did.
It has been almost a year since I started dating my current boyfriend. He is amazing. Always thinking of me and doing cute things for me just because. He is everything I ever wanted in a relationship only he doesn’t have a good job. He can take care of us enough for a nice apt but anything major comes up and we are screwed. This is when I start missing my ex. He makes twice what the boyfriend makes and such. I wish I wasn’t shallow enough to miss him only when times get tough. But I do. And come to think of it I am very insaulted when he didn’t try to win me back. It’s like he knew the relationship was over too but still is being mean to the new boy. I don’t know. This is all stupid high school thoughts. I just wish I wasn’t shallow. But here I am. Shallow AF.
Oh well maybe one day I’ll get things turned around.