Oh knows

Jan 21, 2006 03:48

So it is Saturday at 3:48 a.m. and I can not go to sleep for another 2 hours. Which kind of sucks, but I hope that in the end it will all be worth it. I have something called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, so basically my days and night are mixed up. I have to do so weird outrageous sleep thing to get back on schedule. We will see.

I know that it has been a really long time since I have updated, but I really did not want to write a depressing update which is why I waited to write this one. I hope that by the end it does not end up depressing. So today I went to the swim meet and the gymnastics meet. They were both a great deal of fun. I am kind of partial to the gymnastics because it is more exciting. Then after the meet a group of us went to eat at Cheng's and had a great time. I have not laughed that much in a long time. I had forgotten what it was like to be truely happy around my friends. Tonight I finally got it back, and I don't want to let it go. After we ate a group of people came back to my house and we just hung out. Then it kind of dwindeled down. So it was just Erin, Travis O., Becca, Ben, Cory and myself. We played a game called Apples to Apples. I laughed so much that my head hurts. I would say that it was a good night had by all.

I would really like to say that I appreciate all of my friends and what they do for me and how much they care for me. Becca you are the coolest roommate ever and thank you for always listening to me, and for McDonalds dates and Mac and Cheese nights (here is your shout out). Love ya girl. Erin has become one of my most cherished friends. We have been through a great deal together, but are better people for it. She is truely a great friend. Just because you are not named here does not mean that you do not hold some great deal of significance in my life. I love all my friends more than I think that they will ever know. I love you all.

Sometimes you wonder why you are put in certain situations and then all of the sudden it is made so clear without any warning. There are so manythings going on in my head that it is nice to get somethings straight.So basically that was a tangent and I don't like to do those or go on about my personal thoughts and feelings. I feel that they had to be said. Why I am not real sure but there it is. Have a wonderful night.

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