Edit: Does anyone know how I can change the background colour of my livejournal? I think the navy blue colour makes the ads look too visible. I've searched for a way to change it but I must be missing something. I switched to an ad based account recently so that I could do more stuff, but I think I may just pay for an account, because the ads are *really* annoying.
A bit about my day, Philosophy stuff and explanation of new links.
My day
Well, I didn't get much study done owing to being unable to sleep last night and then having a 9am lecture, but I did get lots of practical stuff done (which is good; normally I'd just either sleep all day or try to force myself to read Hegel on 2 hours sleep, which reall doesn't work!). Life isn't amazing, but it's not terrible and I am having some good times, enjoying some of the studying and doing things that I like as well. And I think I'll get through the stuff I have to do at the moment.
Philosophy stuff
It is really impossible to read Heidegger without trying to link pretty much everything he says to Nazism. So I end up wondering if seeing ontology as being the philosophical question that is prior to all others is fascist (I haven't thought of a link yet). I then think about how the distinction between readiness-to-hand and presence-at-hand could be fascist (I think
Tim. had a good argument regarding this ages ago, but I'm too tired now to try to recall it). I then look at how his theories regarding the "they" could lead to Austwitz. But this is really preventing me from taking Heidegger seriously and actually taking his arguments in. It is totally messing up any attempts to sympathise with him, and show some sort of humility while reading him. Sorry if this is all a bit incoherent - I had about 2 hours sleep last night.
I've added some links to blogs I read. They are all either philosophy blogs or vaguely left wing blogs at the moment.
Voyou Desoeuvre - a friend of mine who has gone to study philosophy in Berkeley. I met him through left wing stuff in Camrbridge a couple of years ago. He is
homburg on livejournal.
k-punk, 3)
infinite thought and 4)
The Weblog are all really good philosophy blogs.
Dan O'Huiginn - where
oedipamaas49 writes about politics.
Hanging around on the wrong side of the world. Another Cambridge activist who has now gone to study in America.
The Daily (Maybe). Jim is still actually involved in activist stuff in Cambridge, I think.