I'll Be In The Fridge

Jun 02, 2008 20:10

Ah!  Well, I tried to save the slideshow for last.  But LJ (LiveJournal) wouldn't let me!

Anyway, it's been an awesome week down here in Charlotte.  I've been getting used to the new IMac interface and I have to tell you, I LOVE IT!  Goodbye Windows.  I've certainly crossed-over.

But the thing that I'm really trying to get used to is the air conditioning!  My office space is one of two editing rooms in the Media Department.  Which means that the room is completely closed off from the rest of the Department when the door is closed.  That's good if you want to test the audio of a piece of video footage, but "rather chilly!" *british accent* if you've got an air conditioning duct right overhead.  I've found out why my office space is nicknamed The Fridge.  Now whenever I'm going back there for an extended period of time, I say, "I'll be in The Fridge!"

I had planned on taking pictures of The Fridge last week, but never got around to it.  I suppose its a good thing because Andy and Jason planned on a complete re-arrange of both editing studios, and part of the main area of the Media Department.  Which means that there is a big mess, as my photo slideshow shows you!

Even though there has been that moving around going on, I still got to complete most of a serious editing project today.  A missionary to Nigeria has come back to the States on Home Assignment (also known as furlough), and he has made a number of movies about Nigeria and his work there.  They've only been on one DVD and one MiniDV tape, and he wanted DVD's he could share with his family and friends as he visits them.  So I got the dubious job of converting the tape and making DVD's!  Good way to learn Final Cut Express on the new IMac.

The other neat thing that happened recently was getting meet another new missionary here at SIM USA.  Rochelle Nickels has come down from Calgari, Alberta Canada to work in the Stewardship Department.  On Sunday, I was invited to spend the day with the couple she's staying with so we could all go to church together and I could meet Rochelle.  It was fun!  Towards the end of the afternoon, Rochelle pulled out her laptop and showed us pictures of Canada.  Beautiful!

canada, media department, missionary, imac, sim, the fridge, missions

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