Sep 28, 2007 23:39
So here's what is up for my junior year.
English: Good. I'm doing great so far, my teacher likes me and how I come up with good questions and think outside of the box. Most of my class is stuck up guys who think that they are right about everything and are horribly off. I sit in front of Jordan Sandberg, and I'm told everyday that I'm a slut or a bitch and that I don't matter because I'm a girl. Well, who is going to get the A in this class?
Foods: Liked it at first, my group was a bitch, switched groups. My second group I also liked at first, but they are bitchy slut freshmen who think they are amazing when they are clearly not. I talked about them loudly one day, they found out. Do I care? No. Fuck you. Switched groups again. They still make fun of what I say everyday. Still don't care. Now I'm in a group with 3 freshmen guys who are chill and good. And I have the good foods teacher thank goddd.
Ceramics: Yay. Theresa, Anna, Sammie, Amy, Deija, Andy in one class. No due dates since I'm switching it off every other day. Very relaxed environment, good teacher, you can talk as much as you want, and you can basically do anything with your projects, as long as you keep the main focus of it.
Choir: Again, yay. Sammie, Amy, Deija, Kelli, and tons of people I like. I'm becoming friends with not only the seniors, but with a lot of the freshmen. Two of my new closest friends are Lauren and Megan, both freshmen, and amazing friends. A lot of nice people are in there and I feel like I can be myself and I love that. My alto voice also got a lot better. As long as I focus on certain parts of songs, I can nail it quickly. I'm happy.
Spanish: FUCK. I got the teacher from hell for the second year in a row. I hate her, and I now hate the language. She killled loving spanish for me. That takes a lot. So thanks a fucking lot Donahue. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hate it.
kay? kay. :]
What else is going on? Nothing really to speak about. Thanks to Zach, I'm rid of a fucking annoying sophmore who never left me alone and I can't be happier. And Nick isn't talking to me anymore and I'm happy about that too.
Kerri got me into LOVING Avenged Sevenfold. It's crazy. I loveeeee the lead singer's voice like whoa. But I still listen to my disney stufffs.
I find myself kinda having two moods during the school day. During two blocks, (and which ones it is changes every day) I am happy, energetic, and excited. The other two blocks, I'm sad and kinda depressed, want to cry for random reasons, and want to go home as quickly as possible. It's wierd. I just want to be happy, is that hard? I don't think so.
But, I did LOVE the writing sample prompt for this week. I probably didn't do good, because I didn't include specifics, and we only had 25 minutes. But, it was about whether or not you can be happy driven by personal gain or fame/fortune. I love that, because I want true happiness, and I motivate myself by what I want, what I can gain, and what can make me stronger. If I had more time, I think I could've done better, but whatever.
Stealing from Kerri on her GJ...
I want to accomplish some things this year.
I want....
to get my permit.
to maintain good grades in all of my classes.
to feel more comfortable in my skin.
to improve my singing voice.
get me a boyfriend. I'm, of course, already working on that one.
lose some weight.
to focus on what I think of myself, not what others do.
to visit colleges.
be on top of the college situation.
What I would love:
Meeting JB. Unfortunately, the tickets that were on presale are all gone. fuck. if hannah/miley wasn't there, I would be able to go and meet the boys that make my days happy.
What I'm looking forward to:
Sam's Birthday/Birthday Party
My 16th Birthday.
My New Year's/Birthday Party
Snow, hopefully.
Cold weather. I LOVE being able to wear pants and sweatshirts.
That's it. Long post.
I'm done.