(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 13:29

It's time for my first tutorial. :D
We're going to do that one:

We start with that lovely pic of Jensen aka Dean.. :)

It might be a bit complicated so I'll explain every step I do.

*First the cropping. He's looking to the left, that's why I cropped it like that. You know?
If you got a pic with a person looking to the right, put them right hand. It just looks better.
(Cropping's one of the most important parts.)
And I got some nice space at the right side. I'll need it later. ;D

*Sharpen it once:


- layer > new fill layer > solid color #0d3e67 > set to exclusion 80%

- another fill layer - #87c0e7 > set to soft light 100% - merge all layers. (layer > merge visible)

- duplicate layer and set to colorburn, duplicate again and set to soft light.
You need to play with the settings. Could be a bit to dark or anything like that, that's why I set the colorburn layer to 70%. (In PSP colorburn is just burn.)

*Effects and Text

- create a new layer (layer - new layer) chose the rectangular marquee tool and select a part of the the right side.

edit > fill > just fill with white and set that layer to 70%. Merge layers.

- Use the rectangular marquee tool again and choose the part right to the white rectangle.

- Okay...now I got some translation problems. *lol*
Use it to choose a part of Jensen. Like that:

Layer - layer via copy. You can also use the menu you get by clicking into the selection with the right mouse button.
Are you still with me? *sighs*

- Now put the copied part in the empty space right to the white rectangle and desaturate it.

- Image > rotate canvas > 90° CCW. Now write whatever you like. I used a tiny text brush again but you can also write something in a very tiny size. I wrote "thoughts" in Century Gothic - 24pt, created a new layer and used the brush.

- Image > rotate canvas > 90° CW. I used a scratch texture, set to screen.
Merge all layers and that's it.

It should work in PSP, too.

tv:supernatural, arts:icons, tutorials

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