Jan 24, 2006 07:38
this weekend was so crazy. oh my godness.
FUN but totally nuts.
time to get my shit together, which is funny cause i'm skippin class today. muahahahahaha. oh well its just design.
i am sick of sucking for three hours every mon n wend. i cant draw, why someone tell me why i took drawing... to get better, but really i just keep sucking it up. grrrrr. annie i should of dragged ur ass in that class with me.
i have like a layer of super glue on my hands because i am a jack ass. its really bothering me. bah.
THIS FRIDAY OR SAT i will be having a party/get together at my house wich ever day i have my party the other day we will be going to canada.
just to inform every one.
ALSO i am hooked on the show 24. the funny thing is that we just rent them from the movie place. lol. but dang they get so good!
almost finished...
i would like to thank all my friends that helped my though some shiet this past week. i really appriate it. and i am all better.
lastly i love peach yogurt. only the yoplait kind. damn its dreamy.
off to get some random things done.