Dec 31, 2008 14:31
I am posting this quote on the final day of 2008. I intend it to be for anyone who walked through unexpectedly painful times this year. We can go forward in hope, because the Incarnation proclaims that everything can and will be redeemed by Christ. :) Love and peace to you all.
"That is the joyful message of the night of Christmas: if the little child who was born in Bethlehem is truly the Son of God, then from that moment on everything becomes possible. Then the outlook of the world will change, every hurt will have meaning because it will be healed, every cloud of darkness will be swept away by the light, and every sorrow turn into joy. For in this little child of Christmas God's grace is revealed for the salvation of all. From this point on every human weakness will be clothed with the power of God's Son, cherished and caressed by his love."
-Father André Louf, O.C.S.O.
From Mercy in Weakness. Translated by John Vriend. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, Inc., 1998. Reprinted as "Meditation of the Day" (12/29/08) in the Christmas issue of Magnificat.