Apr 08, 2006 18:09
Of course, I'm not going to get my dream church, and I'm thankful for the church that God has put us in right now. It's Episcopal, and I don't really like Episcopalianism, but it's part of the body of Christ. I much prefer Lutheranism liturgically, but theologically I think I have more differences with them. Or different differences. I don't know. If there was a better Lutheran church in Monroe I'd probably rather be Lutheran. Anyway. I grew up Presbyterian. I am probably more different from Presbyterians than I am from Episcopals & Lutherans. I just think they don't take the right things seriously and often take the wrong things too seriously, if that makes any sense. I still love things about presbyterianism, though. Liturgically I don't like it at all.
Here's my dream church (liturgically):
*observes church calendar and uses corresponding liturgical colors
*has good music
*practices weekly communion/paedocommunion
*has sermons varying from 10-30 minutes in length, and preferrably written out by the priest/pastor
*encourages congregational participation (chanting, responses, lay ministry, etc.)
*expresses joy during communion
*expresses a sense of joy & vibrance throughout the service
*Marty Haugen is a great composer. More of his settings should be used!
*We should avoid choruses that repeat over and over and are difficult for congregations to sing.
*We should incorporate antiphonal psalm chanting
*There is plenty good classical music and some great hymns - we just need to be better at selecting them
*More instruments should be employed (not just the traditional organ or piano)
Hmm, I'm a rambler today.