Nov 05, 2011 20:11
So, I started NaNo on Tuesday (Nov 1st, day 1) just as I had to move out for a few days. Lady from Finland came to stay at our house before taking the puppy she was buying from us, home. My room was offered. So I stayed at my fiance's for a while. I didn't really get much writing donw because although his laptop is awesome, I got far to distracted to write properly. That and I was exhausted after work as I had pretty full shifts those few days.
I promised myself I'd catch up and and ahead today, since this is my first day off. I wanted to reach 10,000 words (or more specifically 10,002 wrds) so i could be exactly 1 day ahead of target.
I've just caught up to Day 4's word goal. Right now (8pm UK time, 5th Oct) I am at 6670 words.
6670 / 50000 words. 13% done!
I'm hoping to be able to update this later and say I hit at least today's target of 8335. Finger's crossed.
I go by RachelCabbit on the NaNoWriMo website, so feel free to add me as a buddy if you are also NaNo-ing :D
EDIT: So my internet go switched off at midnight by my Dad. Before then though I managed to reach yesterday's word goal and actually go a little over it :D Then I got a head start on Day 6 by writing for an extra half hour before going to bed (which will come in handy because I'm at work all day...) Yay!
8788 / 50000 words. 18% done!