`Friday...well we woke up @ about 7:30 and left and then we got there at about 12:00, the 1st thing we saw was some guy robbing a shoe store..wow it was pretty funni..we checked into our hotel and then we out for lunch. and then after that we went shopping...i got like 4 shirts from express..very cute ones too..and then later we went out to dinner @ Dicks..very fun and then after that we went to ESPN zone and played some games then we come back and we walked around the hotel..and then come back and i talked\fought with david on the phone..and then went to bed.
`Saturday...woke up and got all our shit together and then we took shower and headed off to our other hotel..but we couldnt check in so we went out to lunch and then went to my moms friends house..and then we went swimming there er what not..and then we came back to the hotel and few hours later and went in the hott tub..then went back to the room and got readie and then went out to dinner with everyone...and then when we came back everyone that was staying with us went swimming..and then we partyed with Rich and Travis and everyone..wow whata night..all the drunks broke the tables and the wondows..and it was juss reallly funni and then @ about 1:30ish 2:00 we went back to our room and went to bed.
`Today...well woke up checked out and headed home...slept most the way and then dropped manda off and then came home and David wanted to coem over and i got readie and now he hasnt called me back yet..so who knoes if were hanging out..but later i think im spending the night over Meagans house..miss that girl...
Dads House For A Month In A Few Days. :(, But i come home every weekend..:)
C o M m E n T....
On the way there..:)
Well those are all our cute Chicago pitcures...hope you had fun lookin @ them :)