Haha, I know, it was supposed to be three parts. But I'm terrible at sticking to my word limits! Whatever. It will probably be four or five... but who knows? I could end up writing a novel.
Title: Show Face (part 3)
Author: wildejoy
Characters/Pairing: Jesse/Rachel
Rating: R (this chapter)
Word count: 3,657
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers up to Journey. Also, this chapter is unedited... because nobody was around and I was impatient. So forgive any typos or general disorganization/bad stuff. Concrit is welcome!
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, nor do I make any profits off my fantasies.
Summary: This is the story of how Rachel manages to turn Jesse from the Phantom of the Opera into Raoul, and completely without intention. Jesse is dumbfounded.
From Sectionals to Journey: this is Glee, from Jesse's point of view.
part onepart twopart threeall are at my journal: please comment there!