*Weekend Update*

Jun 11, 2005 21:23

Alrighty so where to begin. First off I suppose I will mention that my father was picked to be Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce in our small patch of Florida. Then one of our new caterpillars went into a chrysalis. I got to see part of that happen, it was wicked awesome. Then Elvin our crazy caterpillar keeps trying to escape. My mom says he is afraid of change. I also started my new class this week, so this week has been taxing. Topping it off, I caught some kind of bug and I am supposed to sing in the choir tomorrow.

Fast forward to today!!!!!! One of the best days I've had in forever. It started with me accidentally sleeping in, because I set my alarm on my cell phone, but forgot to actually turn it on. So after rushing to get ready and driving like a mad woman, I finally made it to church where the Sr. Youth Choir from Plano, Texas was performing. One hundred and thirty two kids strong, mind you that is just half because the Jr. High kids were touring elsewhere. They gave a wicked awesome performance, and I couldn't help but think of Eli because afterall she is on tour in Cali. The other strange thought that kept coming to mind was why do choir directors think it is cool to make kids do hand movements. Speaking from experience, whether there are four of you, or even 132 you never feel comfortable contorting your arms in weird positions for an audience. How does it make the song better? It sure doesn't help you breathe any easier. I think it makes it more difficult cuz you are trying not to laugh with your friend who just whacked the candle stand over, or hit one of the bass singers in the face. So really we could do without hand gestures. At anyrate, the kids did awesome, except for this one girl I wanted to smack cuz she was just standing there not singing half the time and looking very annoyed. The bestest part though was when they were singing Swing Low Sweet Chariot, and this guy comes out and is like "Hey Brass, you think you have class well try playing with no hands." Then these other guys got behind the brass band and played for them while they blew and the guys were dancing. I thought it was pretty spiffy from a group of teens.

Fast forward past the agonizing shopping trip to late afternoon. I went to an early dinner with my boyfriend and then we walked around Baywalk. It was just the best most sweetest day, aside from the fact that I am still coughing up a lung, but anyways, then we get in the car and he gives me a necklace for our year anniversary. It was so pretty. Gah--I am reeling! He had to ruin it though by trying to make me take back my gift to him, a flat screen computer monitor saying I spent too much. I told him he was breaking my heart in classic Padme style and finally wore him down. So now he is going to keep it, but I am still a little upset that he looked up the price and then kinda rejected my gift at first.
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