
Jan 17, 2009 09:50

I had an absolutely fantastic day off yesterday. Lunch out with a good book, exchanging some Symphony tickets, a leisurely walk around Auntie's Books and Uncle's Games (Coffee Social now has an UNO deck), then a walk with my mom through a funky (but quickly gentrifying) neighborhood and a heretofore unexplored river front park. Back home to spend time with Sugar, then out to get an Rx, wander around a book/music store at the mall (Coffee Social now has two new albums) and dinner at a Thai restaurant. I was planning on catching a movie, but decided I'd rather go home and read. The best part? I woke up at 8:00 (naturally--not to an alarm clock), got up to take care of Sugar Dog and then went back to bed. Oh yes. I read for a bit and then fell asleep again. The house was quiet. I kept waking up and falling asleep until 10:40. Bliss.

Now it's Monday and Matt & kids will be back today--right on time because I've had time to miss them. The only item in the cranky-making column is some under-roasted meat from yesterday (one of our thermometers is out of calibration); thankfully I can rescue it--I didn't want to have to toss $60 of meat.
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