Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions, if you like.
You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
noelfigart 1. Is more true if it makes you laugh or makes you cry?
Hmm..I'd say neither are an indicator of truth with me. If you're asking which indicates greater emotional significance or impact, I'd have to say crying. I laugh pretty easily.
2. Do you have a food you would be sad if you could never eat again?
Heck yeah! Pretty much everything I like. But to give a credible answer, I'd have to say sushi or a good medium-rare roast beef. And I don't plan on giving them up, but I am in good conscience going to cut-down on some foods--those with production methods that are comparatively destructive or damaging to the environment. (I am reading Jane Goodall's Harvest for Hope and it's making an impression).
3. Do you have an art or arts you practice? What do you do?
The short answer is no. I played the sax (alto and bari) in school, and I purchased an alto (lease-to-own) through a local music shop last fall with the intention of getting back into playing. My practice schedule has fallen by the wayside this summer...but I'm still making payments rather than returning it, because i do have the intention of playing regularly. Other than that, I'm an inveterate doodler, sketcher and cartoonist.
4. How did you and your husband meet?
Ha! We met through the internet. We were both living in Seattle at the time. I was a single mom so the match.com and similar sites were how I met potential dates. Matt had posted an ad on some site (I forget--it wasn't one of the big ones) and I came across it in a casual browsing session one evening in February. It caught my eye--combination of a pic of a cute gent with long hair and something about the whimsy of the words--but I chose not to respond. I was dating a fellow--a minister--at the time and I wanted to see where that went. I did save the ad on my computer, though. Fast forward some six months and--no longer dating Mr. February--I came across Matt's ad again. It seemed familiar and I remembered it was the ad I had made note of the previous winter.
I emailed him, he emailed me back (expressing surprise--he'd gotten only one other response from the ad, shortly after he'd placed it, and had forgotten about it). We tossed emails back and forth for maybe four or five days and then agreed to meet at a coffee shop (natch). He was waiting outside the coffee shop as I approached; he spotted me as I waited to cross the street and made a courtly bow. I remember thinking "Okay, this guy's probably a geek. I know from geeks. Good." We ordered coffee--I was a bit nervous and forgot to request 'decaf' for my mocha (I always order decaf mochas). We sat and chatted for awhile, then walked around the neighborhood. I think I may owe my marriage to ordering a caffeinated mocha by mistake--the caffeine on top of the 'this blind date has possibilities' energy had me in a bit of a whirry-buzz and I was *very* animated. Matt later told me that his impression of this was "Cool! Someone who has as much energy as me!"
We parted ways, had a few 'is this a date or isn't it?' dates and then did a quick slide into dating, nesting and marriage.
5. For that matter, how did you and Monkey meet?
Ah, I met the monkey in college, at the school newspaper (the CPJ). He'd been the business manager of the paper the year before I met him, during which (in the course of an academic year) he brought the paper into the black for the first time in years and years and years (oh, there's an amusing story there--ask him sometime when he's feeling chatty). Monkey was comics-page editor the year I worked at the paper (I answered an ad to be an ad salesperson--I was one of two and the other gal quit right away). My best friend (and roommate at the time) Cat had a comic strip running in the paper. She encouraged me to draw a strip and I started doing so.
The first time I really remember meeting Monkey was when the paper moved offices (from a large closet to a decently large office space). He walked in to talk to Diane (the faculty advisor) and I remember thinking "cute!" (This was *not* a unique reaction around the CPJ offices, let me tell you.) I speculated, of course, until I became aware of The Girlfriend--no, *gasp* The Fiancee, K. Cue the "oh well" reaction. ;)
We became casual friends, socializing occasionally through paper- and cartoonist-social events (there was that fun party with the whip cream...). I left Evergreen after two years, and he & K moved down to Oregon after he graduated. Through some accident of circumstance and common interest we stayed in touch and became better and better friends. I am *so glad* we did.