A friend sent this article (
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/306744_workforce09.html) into a list we're both on. [For those of you just joining us, I moved from Seattle to Spokane in the fall of 2004.] This was my reply:
Um, Yes!
Those of you on this list who know me IRL know that the major impetus for our move was my desire to buy a house and the realization that we wouldn't be able to (at least not before Aaron--then eight years old--graduated high school). The fall that we moved, Aaron's teacher at his Northgate-area school was in her 2nd year of teaching at that school (after having moved from somewhere else). She lived in Sultan. *Sultan*. That's because it's where she and her husband could afford to live. The commute, of course, was untenable, and she and her husband were planning to move to Montana.
This is a real problem for Seattle. I assume that folks at the bottom of the wage scale are (or will soon be) hot-bedding it.
And for all the 'West Side is better' sentiment that exists on--well, on the west side of the state ;), I was able to move to Spokane and buy a house--a nice house--on my $30K year admin assistant salary. My commute to work? One hour...when I walk. 10 minutes by car, 20 by bike. And we'll have enough money this year to take the family on a real family vacation. The last time I had the money to do that, was...never.
I miss you guys, but I don't miss Seattle.