FIC - Fathers and Sons

Apr 04, 2007 11:18

Author: rachel_wilder
Rating: T
Disclaimer: All characters who appear in these stories belong to their respective creators, including Imagine Entertainment, NBC Universal Television Studio and Film 44. No money is being made from the use of these characters.
Summary: Written for the fnl_laundrylist, Week 7 Challenge. This is sort of Prompt #7: Mitchell Street takes a moment to have a heart to heart with his son.
Spoiler: Based on scenes from 1x20.
Author’s Notes: Many thanks to my beta, shelbecat. The first person, present tense thing is a bit of a change for me, so I hope you like it.

When the coach meets with you to tell you your kid has a chance at making it in the big times, getting a full-ride at a Division I school, he rarely stops to mention that it could all go to shit in an instant and that the next person you're going to talk to is a guy whose name sounds vaguely familiar until you realize that he's the one who advertises on cable telling you that he'll get you a good settlement.

fan fiction, friday night lights, fnl laundry list

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