Everything Under the Sun news

May 26, 2010 07:01

Everything Under the Sun has been selected as Book of the Week by Queer Magazine Online! Woohoo!

Also, a few reviews have started to come in, so I thought I'd link to them & provide a couple of excerpts. Thanks so much, everybody!

Shae Connor's blog: "In her first novel, West has drawn three strong, sympathetic main characters, making the reader’s choice as difficult as Chris’s.... And let’s not forget the sex, which is amazing, sensual and hot, with an astounding depth of feeling (whether good or bad) underlying the pure physicality."

Luvflix's review on Goodreads: "This ticks off all my must haves for a 5 star - believable characters, a story that's not predictable, romance that's written well and not too gushy, hot hot hot sex scenes (if i could give an extra star for including kitchen sex I would!), dialogue that makes you laugh out loud, interesting side characters that drive the story, a little angst that you know will not be dragged out too long and a satisfying ending.... Rachel West writes with a style that draws you into the character's world immediately and allows you to feel all their emotions, good and bad, sometimes so much so that you want to get a couple of their heads and smash them together! The heat she draws out of the sex scenes is palpable and leaves you wanting to be a couch/carpet/kitchen island in your next life. I can't wait for her next offering."

frances_veritas's livejournal: "SO AMAZING.... [Rachel is] brilliant. And witty. And colorful. And shiny. And this story is full of romance, self-discovery, and learning to take a chance again. AND PORN. Rachel writes the best PORN. I kid you not. GO FORTH AND BUY IT. I COMMAND THEE."

In the interest of full disclosure, I should point out that some of the above is from folks who knew me before I put out this book. But hey, they all got to know me because of my writing, so it still counts, no? *smiles hopefully*
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