[ Note: The views expressed in this LJ post do not represent those of
jhoule or even
rachel_has_a_lj, as they are a personal opinion on the going's-on of the latter, recounted by those of the first. All rights reserved, including public preformance for profit. ]
'Lo there
Dooders, this is the one and only
jhoule doin' some updating for our dear Ms. Rachelface, even if her username makes her sound dumb. Seriously people, she's 15, not braindead. The word an is your friend. If I made a name for someone, it'd at least be grammatically correct.
Anyways, onto the post.
Today in the library, Rachel and I were witnesses to a nice NERD FIGHT! [as I aptly exclaimed] in the library. I'm pretty sure it involved terminology from something on the internet and some wussy movements of hands intended to miff at best. The fight was very short, just enough time to be meaninglessly [if that's a word] funny. And also for us to exchange looks of suprise and pity.
As she left the library, Rachel expressed her wish that I update this journal with one single message:
Mrs. Daly Sucks!!!!
Edit: I almost forgot:
You can all catch Rachel, myself, and the rest of us cool band kids on stage for ONE NIGHT ONLY this Friday night in a BAND CONCERT
[hope I did a good job here, guys!]
and... that's it.