Apr 09, 2011 21:25
Because a coworker is using her vacation days, I have taken on working extra days. I should have a day off in a week or so. Nothing is set in stone though. I'm a big girl and can handle working for an extended period of time, but I have moments of weakness in which I daydream of relaxing scenarios- playing with my hoops, flying a kite, painting, sewing, photographing the beauty of a cemetery at dawn...
Where was I? Oh yes, work! My apprenticeship is accelerating quickly. I know all that I should know at this point. There's one catch that I am having an issue with- my visible confidence. It doesn't matter if you've been in the business one year or a hundred, if you seem shaky and uncomfortable, no one is going to trust you with their body. I am not the type of person that generates a general sense of security and knowledge, but I need to. Fake it until you make it? I know this stuff, I am passionate about body modification. I need to step up to the plate and project that truth.
Something is falling to the side. My sewing? Absolutely! Personal care? Considering my roots are a good two inches and my nail polish is chipped to little islands, that gets a 'yes.' Friendship? YUP! I haven't heard my best friend's voice in more than a year. I haven't communicated to my brother in months. I have been cutting out Facebook friends like a chainsaw through a fluffy bush. Do I want friends? Of course! There's a couple issues though- I'm an introvert and I'm busy. Unless you're one of my lovers, don't expect to hear from me.