Jan 18, 2008 16:32
So I'm sitting at home with a WHOLE DAY to myself feeling a mixture of (arguably fever-induced) delirious happiness that I don't have to be at work, and nagging guilt that my poor colleagues have to cover for me. Went on call on Wednesday night and trudged through cannula-setting, blood-taking, post-op reviewing with a drippy nose (thank goodness for surgical masks) feeling like '...' as Edward put it, as in "OMG, are you okay? You look like..." before I helpfully filled in 'shit'.
On the bright side, there's probably no better place to fall violently ill in than the hospital, as I got fussed over by my nurses to no end, both my tympanic (39.8 degrees) and oral (39.3 degrees) temperatures checked, piled with 2 ice-cold compresses and a hot steamy mug of milo in addition to help with getting all my jobs sorted out so that I could go post-call at 11am after a not-so-gruelling had I been less unwell 27-hour shift. I also learnt that the cold-compresses we're always giving patients actually make your skull so numb that it hurts after a while...
So. I'm bored! This is new! But I have to go to work again tomorrow. Oh well.