Jun 05, 2005 21:41
Well today was graduation day and it was sad. My cousin graduated today and it's gonna be weird next year when she is not here. I'm gonna miss her SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! And I am gonna miss everyone else from that class too. But after graduation I went to the cookout my aunt had for Megan and the whole family was there. It was fun. We were gonna swim but we just decided not to so no one did haha. Then after that we came home and here I am... bored like always. OMG!!! I was thinking today how weird it is gonna be to be a SENIOR next year. I can't believe it.... I still feel like a lil' 9th grader who is still trying to find herself. It just doesn't seem like me and my friends should be graduating. I don't want to graduate... I WANNA STAY IN HIGHSCHOOL!!! HAH!!! It makes me scared to know that after next year we have to split from our friends and go our different ways into the real world. *makes a sad face* I don't wanna leave all my friends!!! But I guess we all have to sometime. Well guys I am gonna go and sit and ponder about life lol. I'll update again later. *LOVE*
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